Rue Mgr Vogt. BP : 4110 Yaoundé
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Publications, communications et rapports scientifiques

Recherches Géologiques et Minières

Augustin Patrice Moussango Ibohn, Bernard Njom, Jean Paul Sep Nlomngan, Solange Ntantoh, Simon Pierre Mbog Bassong, Georges Emmanuel Ekodeck, 2022. Characterization and tectonic significance of the deformation in the northwestern edge of the Paleoproterozoic Nyong Complex and identification of the fault systems of the Sanaga Fault at Edéa (Cameroon, Central Africa). Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 15:481,

Antoinette Solange Ipan, Louise Marie Ngo Bidjeck Bondjè, Thierry Bineli Betsi, Quentin Marc Anaba Fotze, Jean Paul Sep Nlomngan, Dieudonné Lucien Bitom, 2022. Litho‑structural mapping of Bipindi‑Lolodorf area, South Cameroon: mining implication. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 15:617,

Roland William Edima Yana, Augustin Désiré Balla Ondoa, Lise Carole Okomo Atouba, Mefire Aminatou Fagny, Armel Zacharie Ekoa Bessa, Nkouandou Oumarou Faarouk 2022. Mining Implication in the Geochemical Exploration of Fluvial Sediments of the East Nyambaka Volcanic Zone (Adamawa-Cameroon). International Journal of Geosciences, 13, 361-381 ISSN Online: 2156-8367 ISSN Print: 2156-8359.


Bhavna Arora, Adriana Currin, Dipankar Dwivedi, Mary Immaculate Neh Fru, Naresh Kumar, Claire L. Mcleod, Diana C. Roman, 2022. Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) science, Earth and Space Science Open Archive. DOI: 10.1029/2021EA002120.


Andongma Wanduku Tende, Tajuddeen Mustapha, Mary Immaculate Neh Fru, Jikiro Nzeghi Gajere, Mohammed Dahiru Aminu, 2022. Hybrid extraction of tectonic lineaments from digital elevation model, Applied Geomatics.


F.Mounsi; Abdoul Aboubaakar, A. G. Maffo Kankeu, D. Ikome Lyonga, A. Ombolo, 2022. Contribution of satellite imagery to hydrogeological prospecting in basement aquifers (Meri, far North Cameroon). European Modern Studies Journal, ISSN 2522-9400.


Anaba Fotze, Q.M., Bikoro, M., Ndougsa Mbarga, T., Bailly, L., Bernard, J., Penaye, J., Sep Nlomngan, J. P., Lordon, A., Ketchaya, B.Y., Moussango, P. 2022. Integrating Aster, Landsat 8 and aeromagnetic data for the delineation of potential mineralization sites in North Cameroon. Geological Journal.


Recherches sur l’Eau et les Changements Climatiques 

Bello M., Mouncherou O. F., Oumar M. O., Nlend B., Ngo Boum, Ewodo M.,  Ndjama J. (2022). L’Approche Géospatiale De L’évaluation De La Qualité Des Eaux Dans Le Diamaré (Extrême Nord – Cameroun). International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology (IMJST) ISSN: 2528-9810 Vol. 7 Issue 1, January – 2022


Oumar M. O., Tchobsala, Megueni C., Bello M., Sali B. , Nenwala P. A.(2022.) Evolution Du Couvert Vegetal Dans Les Sites D’orpaillage Des Aires Protégées Du Département De Mayo-Rey. International Multilingual Journal of Science and Technology (IMJST) ISSN: 2528-9810 Vol. 7 Issue 8, August – 2022


Bello M. (2022). Dynamique des espaces et qualité physicochimique des nappes des aquifères du bassin du Lac Tchad (Extrême Nord du Cameroun). Thèse. Univ. Dla 220p.

Dzavi Jean, Foto Menbohan Samuel, Piscart Christophe. Factors controlling the leaf litter breakdown rate in natural streams of the equatorial forest in Cameroon. In preparation for a Special issue “Advances in freshwater ecology in Sub-Saharan Africa”. International Journal of Limnology.

Dzavi, Jean., Foto Menbohan Samuel, Mboye Blaise Rollinat, Nwaha Mathias, Biram à Ngon Eric Belmond (2022). Spatiotemporal variation of benthic Macroinvertebrates in some Tropical Forest Streams of the Nyong catchment (Cameroon). Open Journal of Applied Sciences , 12, 1210-1231.

Dzavi Jean, Foto Menbohan Samuel, Piscart Christophe, (2022). Leaf litter breakdown assessment in natural streams of the equatorial forest in Cameroon. Poster communication. In proceeding, 29ème Conférence annuelle de la Société Camerounaise de Bioscience, IMPM, Yaoundé du 29 novembre au 3 décembre 2022.

Dzavi Jean, Piscart Christophe, Foto Menbohan Samuel, (2022). Aquatic fungi species associated with Fumtumia africana (Benth) Stapf (Apocynaceae) leaf litter decomposition in some natural streams (Cameroon). Poster communication. In proceeding, 29ème Conférence annuelle de la Société Camerounaise de Bioscience, IMPM, Yaoundé du 29 novembre au 3 décembre 2022.

Dzavi Jean, Foto Menbohan Samuel, Piscart Christophe, (2022). Diversité des macroinvertébrés benthiques dans quelques cours d’eau forestiers du Cameroun. Poster communication. In proceeding, 29ème Conférence annuelle de la Société Camerounaise de Bioscience, IMPM, Yaoundé du 29 novembre au 3 décembre 2022.

Dzavi Jean, Foto Menbohan Samuel, Harissou, Tchouapi Yvonne Laure, Piscart Christophe, (2022). The aquatic hyphomycetes associated with litter decomposition in some forest streams in Central Cameroon. Oral communication. In proceeding, Journée Scientifiques de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Maroua, du 20 au 22 avril 2022.

Fouépé Takounjou A., Foano Dandjio W., Fodoué Y., Fantong W., Ngah M., Jokam Nenkam T., Carlier C.,  Vassolo S., Montcoudiol N., Enow Tarkang C., Chounna G., Kringel R., (2022). Assessment of water availability for agricultural activities in the savannah Plateau of Adamawa-Cameroon. Environ Monit Assess 194:813.

Ohba T, Oginuma Y, Saiki K, Kusakabe M, Issa, Fouépé Takounjou A, Ntchantcho R, Tanyileke G and Hell JV (2022). A Depression Enriched Water at the Bottom of Lake Monoun, Cameroon, and Implications Containing CO for the 1984 Limnic Eruption. Front. Earth Sci. 10:766791. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.766791

Therese L. L. Jokam Nenkam T., Kringel R., Fantong W., Nbendah P., Fouépé Takounjou A., Zocpé E., Kamtchueng B., (2022). Hydrochemistry of nutrients in groundwater under farmland in the Benue River Basin, North-Cameroon. Environ Earth Sci. 81:209.

Noudja T., Wonkam C., Kouassy Kalédjé S., Fouépé Takounjou A., Ntchantcho R., Fossi H., Zobo Mbele H., Mvondo Ondoa J., (2022). Updating morphometric features and their accuracy: a case study of the Sanaga watershed in Cameroon. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15:274.

Ako A.A, Monjoa M.Z, Fongoh E.J. (2022): Assessment of Climate Variability and Its Impact on the Environment and Water Resources in the Mount Cameroon Area. In: Chenchouni H. et al. (eds) New Prospects in Environmental Geosciences and Hydrogeosciences. CAJG 2019. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (IEREK Interdisciplinary Series for Sustainable Development). Springer, Cham.

okam Nenkam T.L.L, Kringel R, Fantong W.Y, Nbendah P, Takoundjou A. F, Elizabeth Z, Kamtchueng B (2022). Hydrochemistry of nutrients in groundwater under farmland in the Benue River Basin, North Cameroon. Environmental Earth Sciences.


Kamtchueng B.T, Foupouagnigni, A, Yannah,M,  Ndjama J, Mimba, E,  Wirmvem MJ, Muga Yaguchi, Takem GE, Ako AA,  Fantong WY, Ngnikam E, Ohba T (2022). Major ions, trace elements and stable isotope characteristics of shallow groundwater in the Bonaberi district, Douala, Cameroon. Sustainable Water Resources Management: 8:162.


Takounjou F.A ,  Dandjio  WF, Fodoué Y , Fantong WY, Ngah M, Nenkam TJLL, Carlier C, VassoloS , Montcoudiol N, Tarkang  CE, Chounna G,  Kringel R (2022). Assessment of water availability for agricultural activities in the savannah Plateau of Adamawa‑Cameroon. Environ Monit Assess (2022) 194:813


Fonteh M, Fantong W.Y (2022). Accelerating Water Security for Sustainable Socio-economic Development of Cameroon in a Changing Climate. Journal of Cameroon Academy of Sciences.


Fodoue Y, Ismail A, Yannah M, Wirmvem Mengnjo Jude, Mana CB (2022). Heavy Metal Contamination and Ecological Risk Assessment in Soils of the Pawara Gold Mining Area, Eastern Cameroon. Earth, 3: 907-924

Foupouagnigni A, A. Ako, Jude Mengnjo et al. (2022). Rainwater quality in some urban and rural sites of Cameroon (Central Africa). In: New Prospects in Environmental Geosciences and Hydrogeosciences. CAJG 2019. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham.



Ebodé, Valentin Brice, Jean Jacques Braun, Bernadette Nka Nnomo, Gil Mahé, Elias Nkiaka et Jean Riotte. 2022. « Impact de la variabilité des précipitations et du changement d’affectation des terres sur le débit des rivières dans le sud du Cameroun » Water 14, no. 6 : 941.


Ebodé Valentin, Dzana Jean, Nkiaka Elias, Nnomo Bernadette, Braun Jean-Jacques, Riotte Jean. 2022. « Effects of climate and anthropogenic changes on current and future variability in flows in the So’o River Basin (south of Cameroon) » Hydrology Research Vol 53, doi : 10.2166/nh.2022.047

  Recherches en Energies Renouvelables

Yaouba, Ruben Zieba Falama, Felix Ngangoum Welaji, Marcel Hamda Soulouknga, Fabrice Kwefeu Mbakop and Abdouramani Dadjé ; Optimal Decision-Making on Hybrid Off-Grid Energy Systems for Rural and Remote Areas Electrification in the Northern Cameroon. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (2022) ; Article ID 5316520 |

Yaouba, Bajaj M, Welba C, Bernard K, Kitmo, Kamel S and El-Naggar MF(2022) An Experimental and CaseStudy on the Evaluation of the Partial Shading Impact on PV Module Performance Operating Under the Sudano-Sahelian Climate of Cameroon. Front. Energy Res. Frontiers in Energy Research | August 2022 | Volume 10 | Article 9242851 doi: 10.3389/fenrg.2022.924285; published: 25 August 2022


Djomdi; Bakari, H.; Gibert, O.; Tran, T.; Ejoh, R.; Christophe, G.; Michaud, P.; Ndjouenkeu, R. The Influence of Soaking and Sprouting on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Tigernut Tubers (Cyperus esculentus L.). AppliedChem 2022, 2, 48–58. 10.3390/appliedchem2020003 Academic Editor: Jason Love; Received: 15 January 2022 Accepted: 16 March 2022 Published: 22 March 2022


Paule A. Ekoube*, Emmanuel Gnikam, Oumar Said, Vanessa L. Ngansop and Bill V. Bot : Experimental study of binderless briquetting process: effect of temperature on the fuel briquettes from rice husks; E3S Web of Conferences 354, 03004 (2022) ; Article Number 03004; Section : Biomass Energy and Process Engineering DOI Published online   13 July 2022


3.2. 4.Recherches en Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires

Mbarndouka Taamté Jacob, Nducol Nasser, Kountchou Noubé Michaux, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Saïdou* (2022) “Zigbee-based wireless smart device for real-time indoor air quality monitoring: Experiment, data analysis and risk assessment”. IOS Press.

Joseph Emmanuel Ndjana Nkoulou II, André Manga, Saïdou*, Olga German, Carlos Sainz-Fernandez and Moïse Godfroy Kwato Njock (2022). Natural radioactivity in building materials, indoor radon measurements and assessment of the associated risk indicators in some localities of the Centre-region, Cameroon. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Gondji Dieu Souffit, Lawan Loubou Mohamadou, Guembou Shouop Cebastien Joel, Beyala Ateba Jean Félix, Saïdou* (2022). Assessment of heavy metals pollution and their potential health risks in the cobalt-nickel bearing areas of Lomié, East Cameroon. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194-127.

Saïdou*, Shinji Tokonami, Masahiro Hosoda, Augustin Simo, Joseph Victor Hell, Olga German, and Esmel Gislere Oscar Meless. From radon and thoron measurements, inhalation dose assessment to national regulation and radon action plan in Cameroon. In press. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research.

Gondji Dieu Souffit, Saïdou*, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, David Lepoire (2022). Risk assessment of exposure to natural radiation in soil using RESRAD-ONSITE and RESRAD-BIOTA in the cobalt-nickel bearing areas of Lomié in Eastern Cameroon. Radiation, 2, 177–192.

Gondji Dieu Souffit, Monempimb Jacob Valdes, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Beyala Ateba Jean Félix, Saïdou*, Shinji Tokonami (2022). Ground and indoor radon measurements: radon risk assessment and correlation between radon measured and radium content at the cobalt-nickel bearing area of Lomié, Eastern Cameroon. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-022-05666-x

Koyang François, Awe Richard, Bineng Guillaume Samuel, Ndimantchi Ayoba, Hamadou Yerima Abba, Saïdou and Ben-Bolie Germain Hubert (2022). Assessment of natural radiation exposure due to radon and external radiation sources: Case of the Far North, Cameroon. Health Physics.

Sadjo, Takoukam Soh Serge Didier, Hamadou Yerima Abba, Vaskanglang Valentin, Saïdou*, Alidou Mohamadou (2022). Soil gas radon, indoor radon and its diurnal variation in Northern region of Cameroon. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies.

Mbarndouka Taamté Jacob, Koyang François, Gondji Dieu Souffit, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Hamadou Yerima Abba, Kountchou Noubé Michaux, Saïdou,*, Shinji Tokonami (2022). Radon tracing by a proposed low-cost survey meter and Comparative analysis with a reference device. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1080/10739149.2022.2095401

Awe Richard, Koyang François, Bineng Guillaume Samuel, Ndimantchi Ayoba, Takoukam Soh Serge, Saïdou* (2022). Assessment of natural radioactivity and importance of 40K from agropastoral activities on the contribution of plant ingestion to total effective dose using the RESRAD-ONSITE code in the Far North, Cameroon. AIMS Environmental Science.

Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel*, Ngoa Engola Louis, Dallou Guy Blanchard, Saidou, Bongue Daniel, Masahiro Hosoda, Kwato Njock Moise, Shinji Tokonami (2022). Public exposure to natural radiation and related excess lung cancer risk in Betare-Oya gold mining areas, Eastern-Cameroon. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research.

Akamba Mbembe Bertrand*, Manga Andre, Mbida Mbembe Serge, Ele Abiama Patrice, Ondo Menye Philippe, Kofane Timoleon Crepin, Ben-Bolie Germain Hubert (2022). Indoor Radon (222Rn) Measurements and Estimation of Annual Effective Dose in Mvangan Locality, South Cameroon. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncac204

Kountchou Noube Michaux, Vitrice Ruben Folifack Signing, and Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin. « Dynamic analysis of a slow-fast oscillator based on a coupled Duffing memristive system. » International Journal of Dynamics and Control (2022): 1-20., (Springer).

Vitrice Ruben Folifack Signing, Gabriel Armand Gakam Tegue, Michaux Kountchou, Zeric Njitacke Tabekoueng, Nestor Tsafack, Jean De Dieu Nkapkop, Christophe Magloire Lessouga Etoundi, Jacques Kengne, “A cryptosystem based on a chameleon chaotic system and dynamic DNA coding”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2022, 155: 111777(2022),, (Elsevier).

Soumayah Bachirou, Saïdou*, Chutima Kranrod, Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Bongue Daniel, Hamadou Yerima Abba, Masahiro Hosoda, Kwato Njock Moise Godfroy, Shinji Tokonami. Radon in soil gas assessment and radon mapping in the radon prone area of the Adamawa region, Cameroon. Under review. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity.

Léonard Boris Djeufack, Guillaume Samuel Bineng, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Joseph Emmanuel Ndjana Nkoulou II and Saïdou*. Correlation between ground 222Rn and 226Ra and long-term risk assessment at the bauxite bearing area of Fongo-Tongo, western-Cameroon. Revised form submitted. Radiation.

Léonard Boris Djeufack, Laurelle Tsafack Kendjou, Guillaume Samuel Bineng, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Yerima Hamadou Abba, Saïdou*, Mikhail Zhukovsky. Correlation between radon (222Rn) gas in soil and in dwellings and dose assessment in the bauxite bearing areas of Fongo-Tongo, Western Cameroon. Revised form submitted. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry.



Recherches Géophysiques et Volcanologiques


Ntieche B., Wokwenmendam N.P., Messi O.E.J., Mounjouohou M.A., Nchouwet Z., Minamou G.B., Mfepat D., Moundi A, 2022. Field and petrographic evidences of granitoids and mafic magmas interaction in the neoproterozoic Central African Fold Belt in Cameroon (Makenene area). Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) 6(1) (2022) 07-16.


Ntieche B., Wokwenmendam N.P., Ilouga D.C.I., Moundi A., Ram Mohan Mounjouohou M.A., Nchouwet Z., Wandji P., 2022. The I‑ and ‑S type granites from the Shissa pluton, Central African Fold Belt in Cameroon: petrogenesis and geodynamic implication. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15:558.


Ntieche B., Wokwenmendam N.P., Moundi A., Ram Mohan M., Mounjouohou M., Atsalang C.G.S., Nchouwet, Z. 2022. Arc magmatism in the Nkoula granitoid suites, Central African Fold belt in Cameroon: evidence of a metasomatized high oxidized S and I type magma. International Journal of Earth Sciences.


         Dili-Rake J., Sahabo A.A., Tchop J.L., Teitchou M.I., Bouba C.M., Nkouandou O.F., Dawaï D., Mbossi E.F., 2022. Magmatism of the Beka Volcanic Massifs (Cameroon Volcanic Line, West-Central Africa): New Petrographical and Mineralogical Data. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 10, pp 198-228.


Ismaila A., Mana B.C., Ipan A.S., Sahabo A.A., Sep Nlonngan J.P., Yinyang W.R., Mohamadou S., Tchameni R., 2022. Petrographic and structural study contribution in the comprehension of the gold mineralisation in the Biboko area (Betare-oya gold district), East-Cameroon. Journal of Geosciences and Geomatics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 74-80. https:// doi: 10.12691/jgg-10-2-1.


Kenzo H.A., Metang V?, Segue W.S., Tchop L.J., Mouafo L., Nkamga M.D.M., Tchouankoué J.P., Njonfang E.,  Kamgang P., 2022. Relations between structural geomorphology and lithology in the Nkogam plutovolcanic complex (Cameroon Line). Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15:872, pp 1-17.


Mbassa B.J., Ngwa C.N., Dili-Rake J., Bessong M., Itiga Z., Yannah M., Njonfang E., Kamgang P., 2022. Amphiboles from alkaline rocks along the Cameroon Line, Central Africa: a review. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15:1557.

Metang V., Tchop J.L., Ngo Belnoun R.N., Kenzo H.A., Nkamga M.D.M., Tene K.L.G., Wokwenmendam N.P. and Mouafo L., 2022a. Application of Remote Sensing for the Mapping of Geomorphological accidents of Mount Cameroon: vectorization of the probable lava flows trajectories. International Journal of Earth Science and Geophysics 8:059 pp-12.


Metang V.,  Tassongwa B., Ngo Belnoun B., Kenzo H.K., Tawo T.M., Nkamga M.D.M., Tene K.L.G., Tchop J.L.,  Mouafo L., Tchouankoue J.P., 2022b. Petrography and Geochemistry of Metasedimentary Rocks from the Southwestern Portion of the Yaoundé Group in Cameroon: Provenance and Tectonic Implications. Advances in Materials. Vol. 11, No. 5, pp 232-249.


Ntieche B., Wokwenmendam N.P., Messi O.E.J., Mounjouohou M.A., Nchouwet Z., Minamou G.B, Mfepat D., Moundi A., 2022. Field and petrographic evidences of granitoids and mafic magmas interaction in the neoproterozoic Central African Fold Belt in Cameroon (Makenene area). Earth Sciences Pakistan (ESP) 6(1) 07-16.


Ntieche B., Wokwenmendam N.P., Ilouga D.C.I., Moundi A., Ram M.M., Mounjouohou M.A., Nchouwet Z., Wandji P., 2022. The I‑ and ‑S type granites from the Shissa pluton, Central African Fold Belt in Cameroon: petrogenesis and geodynamic implication. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 15:558.


Ntieche B., Wokwenmendam N.P., Moundi A., Ram M.M., Mounjouohou M.A., Atsalang C.G.S., Nchouwet, Z., 2022). Arc magmatism in the Nkoula granitoid suites, Central African Fold belt in Cameroon: evidence of a metasomatized high oxidized S and I type magma. International Journal of Earth Sciences.


         Teitchou M.I., Tchop J.L., Grégoire M., Mbossi E.F., Wokwenmendam N.P., Sahabo A.A., Ateba B., 2022a. Upper Mantle Dynamic and Evolution beneath Lake Nyos Volcano (Cameroon Volcanic Line), Documented by Peridotite Xenoliths Enclosed in Alkali Basalts. International Journal of Geosciences, 13, pp438-463.


        Teitchou M.I., Tchop J.L., Grégoire M., Wokwenmendam N.P., Mbossi E.F., Dili-Rake J., Hell J.V., 2022b. Xenoliths Evidence of Alkaline Magmatic Infiltrations Beneath Lake Nyos (Cameroon Volcanic Line, West Africa).Open Journal of Geology, 12, 433-459.


Sandi E., Pako P.C.J., Zebaze D.M.K., Onguene R., Ondoa A.G., Kankeu M.A.G., Laouna B.C., Lawane, S.E., 2022. Morphological evolution of the lagoon system at the mouth of the Eboundja River (Kribi Cameroon). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 195, 104660.


  Recherches en Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires

Saïdou, Bochud F, Laedermann J-P, Buchillier T, Kwato Njock M, Froidevaux P* (2007). Calibration of an HPGe detector and self-attenuation correction for 210Pb: verification by alpha spectrometry of 210Po in environmental samples. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 578, 515-522.

Saïdou, Bochud F, Laedermann J-P, Kwato Njock M, Froidevaux P* (2008). A Comparison of alpha and gamma spectrometry for environmental natural radioactivity surveys. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 66, 215-222.

Saïdou*, Bochud F, Baechler S, Kwato Njock M, Ngachin M, Froidevaux P (2011). Natural Radioactivity measurements and dose calculations to the public: case of the uranium-bearing region of Poli in Cameroon. Radiation Measurements 46, 254-260.

Saïdou* (2012). Uranium: From Occurrence, Mining, Human Exposure to Remediation. ISBN: 978-1-62081-207-5. Nuclear Materials and Disaster Research, Nova Publishers, New York, USA.

Tchuente Siaka YF, Saïdou*, Yakum-Ntaw Younui, Kenmoe Nganmoue X, Abdourahimi (2013). Monitoring of Particulate Matter and Analysis of Black Carbon and Some Particle Containing Toxic Trace in the City of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 7-2, pp.120-128.

Saïdou*, Bochud F, Baechler S, Kwato Njock M, Froidevaux P (2014). Baseline Radiological Survey of the Uranium bearing Region of Poli (Northern Cameroon). Proceedings of the International Conference on Remediation of Land Contaminated by Radioactive Material Residues, 18-22 May 2009, Astana, Kazakhstan. ISBN 978–92–0–142310–8

Saïdou*, Abdourahimi, Tchuente Siaka YF, Bouba O (2014). Indoor radon measurements in the uranium regions of Poli and Lolodorf, Cameroon. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 136, 36-40.

Saïdou*, Abdourahimi, Tchuente Siaka YF, Kwato Njock MG (2015). Natural Radiation Exposure of the Public in the oil-bearing Bakassi Peninsula, Cameroon. Radioprotection, Vol 50 (2015), 35-41.

Saïdou*, Tokonami S, Janik M, Bineng G, Abdourahimi, Ndjana Nkoulou II J (2015). Radon-Thoron discriminative measurements in the high natural radiation areas of Southwestern Cameroon. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 150, 242-246.

Saïdou*, Elé Abiama P, Shinji Tokonami (2015). Comparative study of natural radiation exposure in three uranium and oil regions of Cameroon. Radioprotection, DOI: 10.1051/radiopro/2015017

Saïdou*, Tokonami S, Elé Abiama P. Natural Radiation Survey in the uranium and thorium bearing regions of Cameroon (2016). Radiation Environment and Medicine.

Abdourahimi*, Saïdou, Fantong Yetoh W, Aka Tongwa F, Kwato Njock M. Environmental pollution by metals in the oil bearing Bakassi Peninsula, Cameroon (2016). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences.

Atangana Bingana Martin Serge, Saïdou*, Dallou Guy Blanchard, Oumarou Bouba, Kwato Njock Moïse Godfroy (2017).  Analytical derivation of the overall uncertainty in biokinetic and dosimetric models of α-, β-, αγ- and βγ- emitters. Radiation Environment and Medicine Vol. 6, No. 1.

Dallou Guy Blanchard, Ngoa Engola Louis, Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Saïdou*, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Bongue Daniel, Kwato Njock Moïse Godfroy (2017). NORM measurements and radiological hazard assessment in the gold mining areas of East-Cameroon. Radiation Environment and Medicine Vol. 6, No. 1.

Ngoa Engola Louis, Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Masahiro Hosoda, Bongue Daniel, Saïdou*, Naofumi Akata, Koukong Heya, Kwato Njock Moïse Godfroy, Shinji Tokonami (2018). Air Absorbed Dose Rate Measurements and External Dose Assessment by Car-Borne Survey in the Gold Mining Areas of Betare-Oya, Eastern-Cameroon. Japanese Journal of Health Physics 53(1), 200-209.

Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Feutseu Talla Simplice, Bineng Guillaume Samuel, Manga André, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Saïdou*(2018). Natural radioactivity measurements in soil, external dose and radiological hazard assessment in the uranium and thorium bearing region of Lolodorf, Cameroon. Radioisotopes 67, 1-12.

Atangana Bingana Martin Serge, Saïdou*, Oumarou Bouba (2018). Taking into account of the correlation between absorbed fractions in uncertainty assessment in biokinetic and dosimetric models of α-, β-, αγ- and βγ- emitters. Radiation Environment and Medicine Vol.7, No2 110–116.

Takoukam Soh Serge Didier, Saïdou*, Masahiro Hosoda, Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Naofumi Akata, Oumarou Bouba and Shinji Tokonami (2018). Natural radioactivity measurements and external dose estimation by car-borne survey in Douala city, Cameroon. Radioprotection, 53 (4), 255-263.

Dallou Guy Blanchard, Ngoa Engola Louis, Abdourahimi, Bongue Daniel, Saïdou*, Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Kankeu Boniface and Kwato Njock Moïse Godfroy (2018). Environmental Pollution by Heavy Metals in the Gold Mining Region of East Cameroon. American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 14(5), 212-225.

Samafou Penabei, Daniel Bongue, P. Maleka, T. Dlamini, Saïdou, Cebastien Joel Guembou Shouop, Y.I. Halawlaw, Alexandre Ngwa Ebongue and Moïse Godfroy Kwato Njock (2018). Assessment of natural radioactivity levels and the associated radiological hazards in some building materials from Mayo-Kebbi region, Chad. Radioprotection, 53(4), 265–278.

Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Ngoa Engola Louis, Saïdou*, Masahiro Hosoda, Daniel Bongue, Takahito Suzuki, Hiromi Kudo, Moïse Godfroy Kwato Njock and Shinji Tokonami (2019). Simultaneous indoor radon, thoron and thoron progeny measurements in Bétaré-Oya gold mining areas, Eastern Cameroon. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 1-11. doi:10.1093/rpd/ncz026.

Saïdou*, Shinji Tokonami, Masahiro Hosoda, Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Naofumi Akata, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Bineng Guillaume Samuel, Takoukam Soh Serge Didier (2019). Natural radiation exposure to the public in mining and ore bearing regions of Cameroon. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 1-6, doi:10.1093/rpd/ncz176.

Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Yakum-Ntaw Younui Susan, Djepang Serge Alain, Saïdou* (2019). Natural radioactivity measurements in drinking water and ingestion dose assessment: case of the uranium bearing region of Poli, Cameroon. International Journal of Low Radiation 11(2), pp. 99–114.

Takoukam Soh Serge Didier, Saïdou*, Shinji Tokonami, Masahiro Hosoda, Takahito Suzuki, Hiromi Kudo, Oumarou Bouba (2019). Simultaneous measurements of indoor radon and thoron and inhalation dose assessment in Douala City, Cameroon. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 55(5).

Saïdou*, Shinji Tokonami, Masahiro Hosoda, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Naofumi Akata, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Penaye Joseph (2019). Natural radiation exposure to the public in the uranium bearing region of Poli, Cameroon: from radioactivity measurements to external and inhalation dose assessment. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 205, 106350.

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Guillaume Samuel Bineng, Saïdou*, Masahiro Hosoda, Yvette Flore Tchuente Siaka, Naofumi Akata, Patrice Ele Abiama, Oumarou Bouba, Shinji Tokonami (2020). External radiation exposure to the public using car-borne survey method in the uranium and thorium bearing region of Lolodorf, Cameroon. Radiation Environment and Medicine Vol. 9, No1.

Bineng Guillaume Samuel, Saïdou*, Shinji Tokonami, Masahiro Hosoda, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Hamadou Issa, Takahito Suzuki, Hiromi Kudo (2020). The importance of direct progeny measurements for correct estimation of inhalation dose due to radon and thoron. Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 8, No17.

Nducol Nasser, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore*, Younui Yakum-Ntaw Susan, Saïdou, Dika Manga Joseph, Vardamides Juliette Cathérine, Hamadou Yérima Abba, Simo Augustin (2020). Ambient air particle mass concentrations in the urban area of the capital city of Yaoundé (Cameroon central Africa): Monthly and seasonal behavior. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry.

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Hamadou Issa, Atangana Bingana Martin Serge, Saïdou* (2021). Dosimetry of radon-219 progeny. Journal of Radiation Research, page 1-10. doi: 10.1093/jrr/rraa140.

Nducol Nasser, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore*, Younui Yakum-Ntaw Susan, Saïdou, Dika Manga Joseph, Vardamides Juliette Cathérine (2021). Preliminary study of black carbon content in airborne particulate matters from an open site in the city of Yaoundé, Cameroon. Environmental Monitoring Assessment.

Mbarndouka Taamté Jacob, Saïdou*, Bodo Bertrand, Kountchou Noubé Michaux, Folifack Signing Vitrice Ruben, Younui Susan Yakum-Ntaw, Chonlagarn Iamsumang, Charles Massey (2021). Low-cost wireless smart device design for radiation protection and nuclear security. Journal of Instrumentation 16 (06). DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/16/06/T06011

Mbarndouka Taamté Jacob, Kountchou Noubé Michaux, Bodo Bertrand, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Nducol Nasser, Folifack Signing Vitrice Ruben, Tagne Mogue Ruth Line, Saïdou (2021). Low-cost air quality monitoring system design and comparative analysis with a conventional method. International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering

Soumayah Bachirou, Saïdou, Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Haman Félix, Kwato Njock Moïse Godfroy (2021). Natural radiation exposure and radiological hazard analysis in a radon prone area of the Adamawa Region, Cameroon. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, pp. 1–12.

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Joseph Emmanuel Ndjana Nkoulou II, André Manga, Saïdou*, Olga German, Carlos Sainz-Fernandez and Moïse Godfroy Kwato Njock (2022). Natural radioactivity in building materials, indoor radon measurements and assessment of the associated risk indicators in some localities of the Centre-region, Cameroon. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

Gondji Dieu Souffit, Lawan Loubou Mohamadou, Guembou Shouop Cebastien Joel, Beyala Ateba Jean Félix, Saïdou* (2022). Assessment of heavy metals pollution and their potential health risks in the cobalt-nickel bearing areas of Lomié, East Cameroon. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194-127.

Saïdou*, Shinji Tokonami, Masahiro Hosoda, Augustin Simo, Joseph Victor Hell, Olga German, and Esmel Gislere Oscar Meless. From radon and thoron measurements, inhalation dose assessment to national regulation and radon action plan in Cameroon. In press. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research.

Gondji Dieu Souffit, Saïdou*, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, David Lepoire (2022). Risk assessment of exposure to natural radiation in soil using RESRAD-ONSITE and RESRAD-BIOTA in the cobalt-nickel bearing areas of Lomié in Eastern Cameroon. Radiation, 2, 177–192.

Gondji Dieu Souffit, Monempimb Jacob Valdes, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Tchuente Siaka Yvette Flore, Beyala Ateba Jean Félix, Saïdou*, Shinji Tokonami (2022). Ground and indoor radon measurements: radon risk assessment and correlation between radon measured and radium content at the cobalt-nickel bearing area of Lomié, Eastern Cameroon. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-022-05666-x

Koyang François, Awe Richard, Bineng Guillaume Samuel, Ndimantchi Ayoba, Hamadou Yerima Abba, Saïdou and Ben-Bolie Germain Hubert (2022). Assessment of natural radiation exposure due to radon and external radiation sources: Case of the Far North, Cameroon. Health Physics. DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001609

Sadjo, Takoukam Soh Serge Didier, Hamadou Yerima Abba, Vaskanglang Valentin, Saïdou*, Alidou Mohamadou (2022). Soil gas radon, indoor radon and its diurnal variation in Northern region of Cameroon. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies.

Mbarndouka Taamté Jacob, Koyang François, Gondji Dieu Souffit, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Hamadou Yerima Abba, Kountchou Noubé Michaux, Saïdou,*, Shinji Tokonami (2022). Radon tracing by a proposed low-cost survey meter and Comparative analysis with a reference device. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI: 10.1080/10739149.2022.2095401

Awe Richard, Koyang François, Bineng Guillaume Samuel, Ndimantchi Ayoba, Takoukam Soh Serge, Saïdou* (2022). Assessment of natural radioactivity and importance of 40K from agropastoral activities on the contribution of plant ingestion to total effective dose using the RESRAD-ONSITE code in the Far North, Cameroon. AIMS Environmental Science, 9(4): 444–460. DOI: 10.3934/environsci.2022027

Léonard Boris Djeufack, Guillaume Samuel Bineng, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Joseph Emmanuel Ndjana Nkoulou II and Saïdou* (2022). Correlation between ground 222Rn and 226Ra and long-term risk assessment at the bauxite bearing area of Fongo-Tongo, western-Cameroon. Radiation (2) 387–404.

Léonard Boris Djeufack, Laurelle Tsafack Kendjou, Guillaume Samuel Bineng, Oumar Bobbo Modibo, Yerima Hamadou Abba, Saïdou*, Mikhail Zhukovsky (2022). Correlation between radon (222Rn) gas in soil and in dwellings and dose assessment in the bauxite bearing areas of Fongo-Tongo, Western Cameroon. International Journal Of Environmental Analytical Chemistry

Gondji Dieu Souffit, Lawan Loubou Mohamadou, Guembou Shouop Cebastien Joel, Beyala Ateba Jean Félix, Saïdou* (2022). Assessment of heavy metals pollution and their potential health risks in the cobalt-nickel bearing areas of Lomié, East Cameroon. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194-127.

Saïdou*, Shinji Tokonami, Masahiro Hosoda, Augustin Simo, Joseph Victor Hell, Olga German, and Esmel Gislere Oscar Meless. From radon and thoron measurements, inhalation dose assessment to national regulation and radon action plan in Cameroon. In press. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research.

Awe Richard, Koyang François, Bineng Guillaume Samuel, Ndimantchi Ayoba, Takoukam Soh Serge, Saïdou* (2022). Assessment of natural radioactivity and importance of 40K from agropastoral activities on the contribution of plant ingestion to total effective dose using the RESRAD-ONSITE code in the Far North, Cameroon. AIMS Environmental Science.

Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel*, Ngoa Engola Louis, Dallou Guy Blanchard, Saïdou, Bongue Daniel, Masahiro Hosoda, Kwato Njock Moise, Shinji Tokonami (2022). Public exposure to natural radiation and related excess lung cancer risk in Betare-Oya gold mining areas, Eastern-Cameroon. Journal of Radiation Protection and Research.

Akamba Mbembe Bertrand*, Manga Andre, Mbida Mbembe Serge, Ele Abiama Patrice, Saïdou, Ondo Menye Philippe, Kofane Timoleon Crepin, Ben-Bolie Germain Hubert (2022). Indoor Radon (222Rn) Measurements and Estimation of Annual Effective Dose in Mvangan Locality, South Cameroon. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. DOI: 10.1093/rpd/ncac204

Kountchou Noube Michaux, Vitrice Ruben Folifack Signing, and Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin. « Dynamic analysis of a slow-fast oscillator based on a coupled Duffing memristive system. » International Journal of Dynamics and Control (2022): 1-20.

Vitrice Ruben Folifack Signing, Gabriel Armand Gakam Tegue, Michaux Kountchou, Zeric Njitacke Tabekoueng, Nestor Tsafack, Jean De Dieu Nkapkop, Christophe Magloire Lessouga Etoundi, Jacques Kengne, “A cryptosystem based on a chameleon chaotic system and dynamic DNA coding”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2022, 155: 111777(2022),

Soumayah Bachirou, Saïdou*, Chutima Kranrod, Ndjana Nkoulou II Joseph Emmanuel, Bongue Daniel, Hamadou Yerima Abba, Masahiro Hosoda, Kwato Njock Moise Godfroy, Shinji Tokonami. Radon in soil gas assessment and radon mapping in the radon prone area of the Adamawa region, Cameroon. Under review. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics.